Interaction of carbon-containing nanoparticles of smoke with various types of pollutants during their simultaneous exposure: physical chemical property and neurotoxicity


Due to extremely enhanced air pollution in connection with war in Ukraine, we faced en-vironmental challenges that had not existed before. Because of war we have a large number of fires and explosions, so a significant number of various types pollutants enter the air at the same time - combustion products of wood, plastic, other materials, smoke nanoparti-cles, as well as nanoparticles of heavy metals. It can lead to a synergistic effect and the for-mation of complex nanohybrids containing both smoke nanoparticles and heavy metal ions that have significantly higher toxicity. In this work the author’s approach to modelling such nanoparticles is proposed. We burned wood using laboratory device and received an aque-ous suspension of smoke. After that, solutions of metal salts were added and incubated to obtain complexes. UV-Vis, FTIR, Raman, luminescence spectroscopy, TEM microscopy, electron diffraction, DLS (dynamic light scattering) of the original aqueous suspension of poplar smoke and the mixture with copper ions were done to establish the possibility and nature of smoke particle formation. As result, a formation of the carbon particles with remains of organic molecules were detected in the air pollution from poplar, under interaction with Cu2+ ions, the sizes of particles increases in the dominant fraction from 140 nm to 240nm, and for large aggregates up to 8 mkm. FTIR spectra of poplar smoke have absorption bands related to wood combus-tion products, complete or partial oxidation of cellulose and lignin. The most toxic compo-nents of wood smoke are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, benzopyrene, solid particles of various sizes, heavy metals. Neorotoxic property of the particles studied and discussed. Funding/ Acknowledgement Project “War-derived air pollution nanohybrids composed of carbon-containing smoke nanoparticles and metal compounds: FTIR/Raman spectroscopic, fluorescent and mem-brane-active properties, their potential neurotoxicity and its prevention”. Project PAN.BFB.S.BWZ.380.022.2023.

2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications
Galyna Dovbeshko
Galyna Dovbeshko
Scientific Committee Member
Wiesław Stręk
Wiesław Stręk
Scientific Committee Chair