Application of sol-gel materials in bioenergy technology: sealing high-pressure hydrogen tanks


Technologies related to renewable energy, including those utilizing hydrogen as an energy carrier, are becoming increasingly important in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen as a fuel of the future has the potential to become a key element in the energy transition towards a more sustainable and cleaner economy. The advantages of this solution include its low-emission production, universality, and high energy density. However, hydrogen is not without its drawbacks, and challenges associated with its production, storage, distribution, and utilization exist. Focusing on the challenge of hydrogen storage, one issue is reducing hydrogen permeation through materials. Hydrogen has the ability to permeate through certain materials, leading to fuel loss from the tank. Prolonged storage can result in losses. This work presents sol-gel coatings that reduce hydrogen permeation by 30-40% at low pressure and up to 68% at high pressure.

2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications
Natalia Kaczmarczyk
Natalia Kaczmarczyk
Organising Committee Member
Justyna Krzak
Justyna Krzak
Conference Chair